The Group

Education and research were the group's primary responsibilities at ETH Zurich. Within the classroom environment our contributions included course lectures on introductory physics for non-physicists, special topics courses for advanced students in physics and related departments, and a seminar on responsible scientific conduct. All group members were actively participating in classroom/laboratory instruction.

In our research laboratory the graduate and undergraduate students conducted world-class research on a range of scientific topics, and worked with leading scientists in their fields of study. The main research theme of our group was the synthesis and study of new materials for novel physical phenomena, as well as their potential use in current and future applications. Topics include correlated electrons on triangular lattices, superconductivity, 2DEG in Si–Ge multilayers, GaN and related bulk semiconductors, molecular crystals, and organic thin film devices.

The laboratory infrastructure enabled for such a broad range of study, and researchers benefited from the excellent technical infrastructure available in the Physics Department. The group enjoyes an international spirit derived from the diversity of the members.

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